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Who Does God Hate?

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
    I noticed in one of your posts, you were asked if God hates sinners.  No offense, but you seemed a little broad with your answer by just saying He loves people.  If you are basically saying God doesn't hate people, then what does Proverbs 6:19 mean when it says God hates one who sows discord or bears false witness?
Clarification Please

Dear Clarification Please,

Perhaps we were a bit broad-stroked with that answer.  Let’s see if we can clarify.  Jhn 3:16 clearly says that God loves the whole world.  In fact, God teaches that we should love our enemies, just like He does (Matt 5:43-45).  However, that doesn’t mean that God isn’t angry when people sin.  As you said, Pr 6:16-19 says that there are some things God hates, and they are all things that involve wicked living.  God walks that perfect line between always showing a love for humans, regardless of what they’ve done, and having a kindled anger against all those that rebel and destroy with sin.  God loves all man, but He also hates all sin.  His love is a patient love that hopes they will return to Him (2 Pet 3:9).   SB

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