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Wearing clothing of the Opposite Sex

Thursday, May 30, 2019
I’ve been just wondering about Deut 22:5; would you explain, please?  Is it okay to wear trousers because I’m just afraid; I don’t want to live a God-fearing life while wearing trousers only to be shunned out of heaven when time comes because I did not heed His warning on it, or does Deut 22:5 have a different meaning?  Thank you and God bless.
Suited Up

Dear Suited Up,

Deut 22:5 teaches that a woman is not supposed to dress like a man, and a man is not supposed to dress like a woman.  Cross-dressing is a sin because men are not to behave effeminately (1 Cor 6:9), and similarly, women are not to behave in a masculine way.  Deut 22:5 is a generic teaching on the subject of men and women’s clothing that teaches a principle.

In today’s society, women wear pants all the time that are women’s pants.  They are designed for women, look like a woman should wear them, and would look decidedly inappropriate for a man to wear!  If a woman is wearing trousers that are feminine, she is fine.  However, if a man or a woman begins to dress in a way that clearly is against the natural design the Lord intended, that is a sin.   SB

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