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God's Love & Jealousy

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
If God is love, and God is a jealous God, but love can never be jealous, then what is God???
Doing The Math

Dear Doing The Math,

When the Bible talks about God being a jealous God (Ex 34:14), it is saying that God is jealous in the sense that He does not accept us worshipping false gods.  This is very similar to the type of jealousy a wife might show for her husband.  A loving wife is jealous for her husband – she won't accept him having affections for any other woman.

However, when the Bible says that "love is not jealous" (1 Cor 13:4), it is dealing with envy and coveting.  A loving person doesn't get upset when good things happen to others; they rejoice with them (Rom 12:15).  In this sense, God is not jealous.  God never gets upset when good things happen to His children.  In fact, He is the source of all blessings (Jas 1:17).   SB

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