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God Is Not Created

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
 Did God create Himself?
Big Bang?

Dear Big Bang,

Asking who created God is kind of like asking, “What color is round?”  The question can’t be answered because ‘round’ isn’t a color.  God isn’t a created being.  The Bible tells us that God was “in the beginning” (Gen 1:1) and that He is “from everlasting to everlasting” (Ps 90:2).  Everything that we see in the physical universe has a beginning and a point of creation.  However, God isn’t a physical being.  God is a spiritual being (Jhn 4:24), and the same rules don’t apply to Him as they do to us.  Apparently, in the spiritual realm, God has always existed and never was created.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Rev 1:8).   SB

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