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Tribulation Christians

Monday, April 15, 2019
What happens to the pre-church saints at the rapture, and are there any references for this?
Rapt Attention

Dear Rapt Attention,

The millennial rapture doctrine is a widely taught, but false, concept.  The Scriptures never describe a millennial kingdom or a worldwide event where all of the faithful are caught up to heaven before a great tribulation.  Pre-millenialism is a teaching that comes from taking parts of the book of Revelation out of context as well as misusing parts of the book of Matthew.  It is a very common teaching, but that doesn’t make it accurate.  We recommend reading “Left Behind”, “Tripping Over Tribulations”, and “I Was Told There’d Be Dragons” for further information on that topic.  If you are really interested, feel free to check out a series of classes one of our AYP writers taught on the book of Revelation.

As for what will happen to all the faithful who died before Christ came to this earth, they will be saved just like us.  Christ’s blood paid for the sins of those who had made animal sacrifices for their sins – Jesus paid the price those animals never could (Heb 10:1-5).  Jesus became the living sacrifice that the faithful of all ages depended upon.  Those who died before Christ lived faithfully under the Old Testament, trusting in the Savior who was to come (Heb 11:13), and they receive salvation as much as those who live under the New Testament.   SB

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