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God's Is Fair & Just

Thursday, September 12, 2019
Why did God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son to save whosoever shall believe in Him... when He really only saves those who derive a law perfectly from letters left by imperfect men?
Men Wrote The Bible

Dear Men Wrote The Bible,

If the Bible were like any other book written by mere men, we could never trust it with our souls.  Thankfully, the Bible is unique.  The Bible claims to be authored by God who guided the hands of men by His Holy Spirit (1 Cor 2:13, Eph 3:4-5).  Such a claim would be blasphemously ludicrous if the Bible didn’t back it up.  Consider these facts about the Bible:

  1. It is 100% scientifically accurate. Isa 40:22 mentions the earth being round. Job 36:27-28 explains the water-vapor cycle. These and other verses mention scientific principles that were not understood until centuries later.
  2. It never contradicts itself. Over 40 different writers penned the pages of the Bible. They came from different walks of life and different eras, yet no one has ever found a contradiction from Genesis to Revelation.
  3. It has been perfectly preserved throughout history. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint are copies of the Bible written 1,000 years apart, and yet, there is no difference in the text.
  4. No book is as widely distributed as the Bible. Written in over 2,500 languages and sold by the billions, the Bible is the most published book on the planet. No other book comes even close.
  5. The Bible is accurate in prophecies. The prophecies of Tyre (Eze 26:3-21) and Babylon (Isa 13:19-22, Isa 14:23) give specific, detailed accounts of the fall of those cities. Those prophecies were written many years before the events took place, and yet they came to pass exactly as the Bible foretold.

The Bible is perfect, and therefore, Jesus’ death and the law He gave through His apostles mean something.  That is why Paul said that the gospel was the power of God for salvation (Rom 1:16).  The Bible is the perfect law given so that we might be forgiven through Christ’s sacrifice.   SB

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