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Tuesday, June 25, 2019
   Does God give us advice on how to correct our children, such as spanking?  Today, society tells us to use time-outs instead... but that doesn't seem to always work.
Tired Parent

Dear Tired Parent,

The Bible is very clear that spanking is an acceptable and effective method of training children.  Pr 29:15 says that “the rod” and reproof give wisdom to a child.  Pr 23:13 says that spanking a child will not kill them, so don’t withhold correction.  Pr 22:15-16 says that all children need the rod of correction to drive foolishness from their hearts and that spanking them will help protect their soul.

The Bible never teaches that parents should abuse, torture, or hit their children out of anger or frustration, but it does teach that corporal punishment is part of a healthy parenting method.  Part of nurturing our children up in the chastening and admonition of the Lord does involve punishment, and that includes spanking (Eph 6:4).   SB

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