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Last Things/ Death & Beyond

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The End Times

Sunday, August 18, 2019
 It seems like the Bible sends mixed messages.  In His Word, He will not come back until certain things happen, and then Christ comes to rule the world.  But then it says God could come any day now, and no one knows when.  But if the Antichrist is not here and if all these events have not happened, then He will not come because He says He will come after tribulations.  But we haven't even had the Rapture yet!
Putting Things In Order

Dear Putting Things In Order,

The Bible doesn't send mixed messages, but sadly, many people have confused passages in the Bible, and that confusion has sent mixed messages to people.  The entire issue of the "rapture", tribulation events, the Antichrist, etc. stems from a teaching called Premillenialism, and it has really missed the boat.  None of those events will actually occur.  We have written several articles on those topics.  Feel free to read "Caught Up", "Don't Mark Me Off", and "Premillenialism" for specifics about what is wrong with those doctrines.

The one teaching God has really given on the subject of the end of time is 1 Thess 5:2.  God says the end will come like a thief in the night.  We can't predict when it will happen, and there will be no rapture events to give us a heads up.   SB

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