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Ignorant Savages' Salvation

Monday, November 04, 2019
     After Jesus' time on Earth, there were people spread throughout the entire Earth.  What happened to the Indians of America and South America?  None of them had any idea whom Jesus was until the Spanish Catholic missionaries forced them to listen.  There was a thousand plus year difference between Jesus' death and that Spanish conquering.  If the only way into heaven is through Jesus Christ, how is it that someone who has never heard of Him is going to spend an eternity in damnation?  I know this is quite a lot, but as a Christian, I need to search for these answers to further myself as a better minister.
Spanish Inquisitor

Dear Spanish Inquisitor,

Let’s address your concerns about those who didn’t hear about Christ until many years after His death and resurrection.  God has always given every human the chance to live a life of faith in Him.  During the transitional period from Judaism to Christianity, and during the time it took for God’s Word to spread across the globe, God dealt with ignorant nations the same way He always has.

We have a single statement in the book of Romans that hints at what kind of law the nations were under before hearing of Christ.  Rom 1:14-15 says that the Gentiles (Gentile means ‘non-Jew’) had a law of conscience written by God on their hearts.  This doesn’t tell us much, but it does point out that God had a system for judging the Gentiles… it was just different than the system He used for judging the Jews or today uses for judging Christians.  Rom 1:20 says that God’s invisible attributes are clearly seen in the world around us and that everyone is accountable for recognizing God’s sovereignty regardless of what other knowledge they have.  These verses just give a glimpse at the pre-Christian Gentile world, but it is enough to paint a picture that God had a plan; we just don’t know exactly how it worked.  We do, however, know that God judges righteously, and no one will ever accidently end up in hell (2 Tim 4:8).   SB

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