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The New Testament Church

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Church Socials

Monday, October 28, 2019
We have been unhappy in our church for a while now and have visited other churches, many invitations coming from friends and co-workers.

Recently, we went to a large church (3,500 members) where everyone seemed to love the Lord and, as all of us, were trying to do the right thing in their everyday lives.

The church had just completed their "Life Center" where various events took place: children learning to play basketball, Olympic-sized swimming pool, all kinds of hobby rooms where everything you can think of was being taught, etc.

They were very proud that five million dollars had been paid to complete this massive "center" that could just as easily have been called a country club within the church. While I was given the tour, I even asked if lower income families could come and have their children learn to swim, play tennis, etc.  I was quickly told, "Members only".  (And they have quite an application for you to present before the board in order to join, not about your faith in God, but more of what your earning capabilities are).

We were unhappy at our church for the simple reason that it seemed like a social event where everyone mostly got together to find out what was going on in everyone’s lives.  They would have a meet-and-greet type get-together, then, almost as an afterthought, a 10-minute sermon where, of course, there was no discussion on the subject matter.

I'm particularly fond of one lady who invited us to the "country club church", and I want to explain to her why deep in my heart I don't think that's what God had in mind for us to call ‘church’.

Help me with scriptures as to why it isn't godly to join together with people who have segregated themselves in this fashion.

It's so much like "clubs" to me, or maybe I'm making too much of it, and they're just likeminded people who want to associate just with each other.
Middle Crust

Dear Middle Crust,

You are right to be bothered by churches like that one!  They are country clubs disguised as religious bodies.  Their religious leaders are “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Matt 7:15); they lead many people astray by preaching what the people want to hear, instead of preaching the truth (2 Tim 4:3-4).  The church is not a social club; it is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim 3:15).  Paul said it best, “The kingdom of heaven is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom 14:17).  The Pharisees were condemned for this kind of grotesque stealing of money from people in the name of religion.  Jesus said that the scribes “devoured widows’ houses” and “loved the chief seats at feasts” (Mk 12:38-40).  The church is not about physical things; it is a spiritual kingdom (Jhn 18:36).  Anyone who teaches otherwise is a liar.

Furthermore, any group that emphasizes money to the point of having people fill out a financial application has thoroughly turned from God’s Word.  James specifically teaches not to show partiality between the rich and the poor (Jas 2:1-5).  James says that when we show partiality like that, we prove ourselves “judges with evil thoughts” (Jas 2:4) and “commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors” (Jas 2:8-9).  Churches that do what you are talking about are full of heresy and deceit.  Those churches are full of false teachers that lead people away from God.  Members of those congregations are duped into believing they are serving God when, in fact, they are doing nothing of the sort.  Without the illumination of the Scriptures, many people are deceived by this prosperity gospel.

But ignorance is no excuse.  Many will cry out to Jesus, “Lord, Lord… did we not do many mighty works by your Name?”, and on the Day of Judgment, Jesus will tell them, “Depart from Me, I know you not” (Matt 7:21-23).  It isn’t enough to say we believe in Jesus (even the demons do that! – Jas 2:19), we must obey His commandments in order to be His friends (Jhn 15:14).   SB

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