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The New Testament Church

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Church Unity

Monday, October 28, 2019
 I attend a church that has some practices for which I can't find "book, chapter, and verse."  Trying to study the issue has resulted in an implication of "divisiveness" and impending dis-fellowship.  So, the matter is dropped.  The Bible says we must stand up for truth and sound doctrine.  How is that possible without being "divisive," which the Bible condemns?
Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Dear Between A Rock And A Hard Place,

If you don’t want to be divisive – then don’t be.  Stand for your principles, but do it with an attitude of humility and kindness – these are the characteristics we see in Christ.  When you talk to older Christians about things you disagree with them on, treat them with the respect you would if disagreeing with your father or mother.  When talking to younger Christians, treat them like equals and brothers and sisters in Christ. (1 Tim 5:1-2)

You can’t be kind at the cost of truth (Pr 23:23), but you certainly should do everything in your power to be at peace and to be peaceable (Rom 12:18, Heb 12:14).  If you don’t want to be divisive, don’t be the type of person that drives wedges between people.  Be the kind of person that humbly seeks truth and tries to lead others to the same light.  If there reaches a point where the congregation you attend isn’t seeking that same truth, then you can part ways knowing that you did your best to be Christ-like in your love of truth and love of people.   SB

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