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The Fossel "Ida" Human or Animal?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

I'm sure you have seen the “47-million-year-old” fossil of the "human" that evolutionists found.  I mean, it is ridiculous; it doesn't even look human. It looks like an animal. I don't understand how they can say they found a 47-million-year-old human.
My Uncle Isn’t An Ape

Dear My Uncle Isn’t An Ape,

From time to time, evolutionists proclaim that they have found some spectacular new evidence that demonstrates that we evolved, and therefore the Bible is wrong. Every time they do this, the media becomes enamored, and a gigantic whirlwind of publicity ensues. Publicity is not the same as reality. Just because evolutionists say that ‘Ida’ (the name of the fossil) is a 47-million-year-old ‘missing link’ between mankind and primates doesn’t make it so.

The Bible answer is the same today as it was yesterday. God says He made the whole world in six days (Gen 1) and did it roughly 6,000 years ago. We were created and designed. I’m more inclined to believe God who was there than a bunch of scientists with an agenda.

Having said that, there is plenty of scientific evidence to refute ‘Ida’ being our evolutionary ancestor. I highly recommend reading this article from the scientists at Answers in Genesis. They specialize in studying these issues and the science behind them. The story is still fresh, and few scientists have had a chance to really take a look at the evidence, but as far as it looks now, ‘Ida’ is just another fossil of an extinct lemur species. ‘Ida’ would have been created on day 6… just like all the other lemurs.   SB

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