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Science in the Bible

Thursday, September 12, 2019
Modern science once taught that the Earth was flat, and the church backed that teaching.  What does the Bible actually say about that?
Throwing A Curveball

Dear Throwing A Curveball,

It was the Catholic church (not the Lord’s church) that supposedly backed the “flat earth” dogma.  Without getting into too much history, let’s just say that even that isn’t completely accurate.  The Catholic church argued with Galileo over whether or not the Earth was the center of the universe, but pretty much everyone agreed at that point that the Earth was round.  The idea that religious people are ineptly backward when it comes science is a myth propagated by those who would have people believe that only atheists can be logical and scientific.
However, back to your question.  The Bible refers to the “circle of the Earth” in Isa 40:22.  The word used for ‘circle’ is the same Hebrew word for a sphere.  Though the Bible is a book about spiritual things, when it touches on science it is always accurate.   SB

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