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Monday, April 15, 2019
I have to respond to your demonology answer.  Yes, I believe that demons are not subject to humans truly living in the name of Jesus, but I believe the Lord allows evil to dwell in ignorance.  I myself, along with many other investigators, have experienced scientific proof of ghosts (demons) in electronic voices and documentation.  You can’t really believe that this is just a delusion that hundreds of millions of people are experiencing.  I believe this is Satan using one of his strongest powers, which is the power of deception, to make people believe that some people stay on earth when they die instead of going either to heaven or hell.  There are many cases of possession, such as the case of Anneliese Michel and countless others.  If not for demons, what else could this be?  There has to be a logical answer to ghosts, psychics, possessions, and voodoo besides delusion.  Could it be the deception of a demon?  Thank you.

Dear Demonologist,

There is definitely deception from demons in this world.  All false teaching and beliefs are doctrines from demons (1 Tim 4:1).  Demons do not directly interact with mankind anymore, as we mentioned in the previous post… this would include supposed ghost encounters, etc.  However, Satan and his minions are actively involved in deceiving mankind.  Demons are false gods, and they are the recipients of all false worship (1 Cor 10:20).  There is no doubt that demons are deluding mankind, but you may be barking up the wrong tree as to how they are doing it.    SB

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