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Catholicism: Titles

Monday, April 15, 2019
Why do the Catholics call their pastor “Father” when in the Holy Bible Jesus tells us in Mathew 23:9, “Do not call anyone on Earth your Father”????  Thank You.
Not A “Father” Figure

Dear Not A “Father” Figure,

The Catholics say it because the Catholics are wrong.  Matt 23:9 commands us to never give people the position of father other than the Father in heaven.  The Catholic church also calls their religious leaders ‘priests’ when the Bible clearly states that all christians are priests (1 Pet 2:9).  They also reserve the title of ‘saint’ for only the most pious of Catholics… all christians are saints (1 Cor 14:33, 2 Cor 13:13).  The word ‘saint’ simply means ‘someone set apart for a special purpose’.  Throughout the millennia, the Catholic church has added these doctrines of men and turned its back on the Scriptures.  We are commanded to never add or subtract from God’s Word, or we will be condemned (Rev 22:18-19, Gal 1:8).  The Catholic church has done that very thing.   SB

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