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Need for Sacrifice

Monday, November 04, 2019
   All right, so I have always considered myself a Christian, but lately, something has bothered me.  In the Old Testament, in order to make up for the things humans did, they would sacrifice things.  Jesus dying on the cross was supposed to be the ultimate sacrifice, right?  So, why would a loving and caring God want/need death or Jesus to die in order to make everything right?  Couldn't He have just forgiven us on His own out of the goodness of His heart?
Live And Let Live

Dear Live And Let Live,

God sent Jesus to die on the cross, so He could be both a just God and a loving God.  If God had simply forgiven us of our sins without paying for them, He would be a liar because God says that sin is deserving of eternal death (Rom 6:23).  It wouldn’t be right for Him to simply remove our guilt without paying for it.  It would be akin to a judge letting people go free simply because he liked them – a judge like that would be corrupt.

Instead, we see that God is both just and our justifier.  Jesus’ blood pays the price of our sin (1 Jn 1:7).  There are two ways to pay for sin.  We can pay for the sin ourselves by spending eternity in hell, or God’s blood can cover the cost of sin.  The Son of God came down and gave Himself to purchase us (Acts 20:28).  Rom 3:25-26 says that God sent Jesus, so He could show that He was loving and still righteous.   SB

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