Sermons & Classes

Sermons & Classes

Displaying 526 - 550 of 1132

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/15/18 Being Committed to Christ when it is Not Easy Jeff Carr Bible Class Being Committed 2018 Gospel Meeting Being_Committed_to_Christ_when_it_is_Not_Easy-1537119073.mp3
09/14/18 Being Committed to the Work: Making Spiritual Sacrifices Jeff Carr Bible Class Being Committed 2018 Gospel Meeting Being_Committed_to_the_Work_Making_Spiritual_Sacrifices.mp3
09/09/18 Great Names of God Paul Hawthorne Sermon N/A Sun PM Great_Names_of_God.mp3
09/09/18 "Believe Him or Not" Travis Dehlinger Sermon N/A Sun AM Believe_Him_or_Not.mp3
09/09/18 Romans Class II. All Have Sinned (1:18-3:31) Part 1 Ben Koltenbah Bible Class Romans 2018 - 2019 Gospel Meeting Roman_Class_II._All_Have_Sinned.mp3
09/05/18 Ruth & The Providence of God Paul Hawthorne Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study Ruth__The_Providence_of_God.mp3
09/02/18 Heart of a Disciple Paul Hawthorne Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting Heart_of_a_Disciple.mp3
09/02/18 Romans Class I. Salutation & Theme Ben Koltenbah Bible Class Romans 2018 - 2019 Sun Bible Study Pauls_Epistle_to_the_Romans_Faith_and_Salvation.mp3
08/29/18 Successful Marriage Brent Hunter Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study Successful_Marriage.mp3
08/26/18 Nazirite Vow (Singing Mini Devotional) Paul Hawthorne Singing Devotional N/A Sun PM NaziriteVow.mp3
08/26/18 The Christian & The World Travis Dehlinger Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Christian__The_World.mp3
08/26/18 Amazing Grace Part 3 Growing In Grace Paul Hawthorne Bible Class Amazing Grace (2018) Sun Bible Study Amazing_Grace_Part_3.mp3
08/22/18 Being Successful Grandparents Darrell Beane Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study BeingSuccessfulGrandparents.mp3
08/19/18 Peace of God Travis Dehlinger Sermon N/A Sun PM PeaceOfGod.mp3
08/19/18 Mark 13 The Destruction of Jerusalem Paul Hawthorne Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting Mark_13_The_Destruction_of_Jerusalem.mp3
08/19/18 Amazing Grace Part 2 Paul Hawthorne Bible Class Amazing Grace (2018) Sun Bible Study Amazing_Grace_Part_2.mp3
08/15/18 Successful Attitudes in Handling Our Finances Daniel Stout Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting SuccessfulAttitudesInHandlingOurFinances.mp3
08/12/18 Be Careful How You Speak Paul Hawthorne Sermon N/A Sun AM Be_Careful_How_You_Speak.mp3
08/12/18 Amazing Grace Part 1 Paul Hawthorne Bible Class Amazing Grace (2018) Sun Bible Study Amazing_Grace_Pt.1.mp3
08/12/18 Counteracting Discouragement Paul Hawthorne Sermon N/A Sun PM Conteracting_Discouragement.mp3
08/08/18 Being A Successful Disciple Eben Pobee Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting Track_1.mp3 Being_A_Successful_Disciple.mp3
08/05/18 Taking Service Seriously Travis Dehlinger Bible Class N/A Sun Bible Study Taking_Service_Seriously.mp3
08/05/18 Giving God Your Best Travis Dehlinger Sermon N/A Sun AM Giving_God_Your_Best.mp3
08/01/18 Successful Christian Dan May Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study Successful_Christian.mp3
07/29/18 Taking God's Name In Vain Travis Dehlinger Sermon N/A Sun AM Taking_Gods_Name_In_Vain.mp3

Displaying 526 - 550 of 1132

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