Sermons & Classes

Sermons & Classes

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/26/17 Overcoming Obstacles To Evangelism Bob Buchanon Gospel Meeting Christ Centered Evangelism Gospel Meeting Overcoming_Obstacles_To_Evangelism.mp3
05/25/17 Effective Evangelistic Events Bob Buchanon Gospel Meeting Christ Centered Evangelism Gospel Meeting EffectiveEvangelisticEvents.mp3
05/24/17 The Focus Of Our Work Bob Buchanon Gospel Meeting Christ Centered Evangelism Gospel Meeting TheFocusOfOurWork.mp3
05/23/17 Holistic Approach To Church Growth Bob Buchanon Gospel Meeting Christ Centered Evangelism Gospel Meeting HolisticApproachToChurchGrowth.mp3
05/22/17 How To Get Every Member Involved Bob Buchanon Gospel Meeting Christ Centered Evangelism Gospel Meeting HowToGetEveryMemberInvolved.mp3
05/21/17 Foreign Evangelism Bob Buchanon Gospel Meeting Christ Centered Evangelism Sun Bible Study Bob_Buchanan_-_Foreign_Evangelism__5-21-17_1of8.mp3
05/21/17 His Word Burns in my Heart Bob Buchanon Gospel Meeting Christ Centered Evangelism Sun AM Bob_Buchanan_-_His_Word_Burns_in_my_Heart_2of8_5-21-17.mp3
05/21/17 Whose Job Is Evangelism? Bob Buchanon Gospel Meeting Christ Centered Evangelism Sun PM Whose_Job_Is_Evangelism.mp3
05/17/17 The Ecclesia Paul Mitchell Bible Class Daniel 2017 Wed Bible Study The_Ecclesia.mp3
05/10/17 Daniel 10 Angel of the Nations Paul Hawthorne Bible Class Daniel 2017 Wed Bible Study Dan_10_Angel_of_the_Nations.pptx
05/07/17 Acts 7 Jeff Dehlinger Bible Class N/A Sun Bible Study Acts_7.mp3
05/07/17 Philippians 2:17-30 Being Spiritual Warriors Paul Hawthorne Sermon Philippians 2017 Sun AM Phil_2_v17-30_Being_Spiritual_Warriors.pptx Phil_2_v17-30_Being_Spiritual_Warriors.pdf Being_Spiritual_Warriors.mp3
05/07/17 Why Do You Believe God Exists? Justin Hester Bible Class N/A Gospel Meeting WhyDoYouBelieveGodExists.mp3
05/03/17 Daniel 9 Seventy Prophetic Times Paul Hawthorne Bible Class Daniel 2017 Wed Bible Study Daniel_09_-_Seventy_Prophetic_Times.pdf Daniel_9_70_Prophetic_Times.mp3
04/30/17 Acts 6 Jeff Dehlinger Bible Class N/A Sun AM SMC_Acts_6_4-30-17.mp3
04/30/17 Philippians 3:7-21 Seven Golden Points Jeff Clarke Bible Class Philippians 2017 Sun AM Phil_3_7_21.mp3
04/26/17 Daniel 08 The Two Beasts: Greece & Persia Paul Hawthorne Bible Class Daniel 2017 Wed Bible Study 08_Daniel_-The_Two_Beasts-_Greece__Persia.pdf WEC_Daniel_8_4-26-17.mp3
04/23/17 Acts 5 Travis Dehlinger Bible Class N/A Sun Bible Study SMC_Acts_5_4-23-17.mp3
04/23/17 Phil 2 v12-15 Work Out Your Own Salvation Paul Hawthorne Sermon Philippians 2017 Sun AM Phil_2_v12-15_Work_our_Your_Salvation.pdf SMW_Work_Out_Your_Own_Salvation_4-23-17.mp3
04/19/17 Daniel 07 - The Four Beasts Paul Hawthorne Bible Class Daniel 2017 Wed Bible Study Daniel_07.pdf WEC_Daniel_7_4-19-17.mp3
04/16/17 Acts 3 & 4 Travis Dehlinger Bible Class Acts Sun Bible Study Travis_Dehlinger_-_Acts_34.mp3
04/16/17 Phil 2 v1-11 - Developing the Mind of Christ Paul Hawthorne Sermon Philippians 2017 Sun AM Philippians_2_v1-11_Mind_of_Christ.pdf Paul_Hawthorne_-_Developing_the_Mind_of_Christ.mp3
04/16/17 The Parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 15:25-32 Travis Dehlinger Sermon N/A Sun PM SEW_Prodigal_Son_4-16-17.mp3
04/12/17 Daniel 06: The Lions Den Paul Hawthorne Bible Class Daniel 2017 Wed Bible Study Daniel_06_Lions_Den.pdf Daniel_6_The_Lions_Den.mp3
04/09/17 Acts: The Story Continues Travis Dehlinger Bible Class Acts Sun AM Acts_The_Story_Continues.mp3

Displaying 776 - 800 of 1132

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