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Evidences Of Biblical Inspiration

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Evidence Needed for Faith

Friday, September 06, 2019
I have always believed in God, but not like I should.  I see people with deep faith who unquestionably believe that in death, they will go to heaven.  I want so very badly to believe that, too.  But I need to know what it is that makes people believe in the Lord.  Some would say, "Because I have faith", but I need more than that.  There has to be something that will take any questions away in my mind… shy of God performing a miracle in front of my eyes.  Any advice would be appreciated!  Thank you :-)
Believe It When I See It

Dear Believe It When I See It,

There are reasons and evidences that prove that God exists, and it is surprising how few people ever talk about those evidences.  We have an entire category in our archives dedicated to evidences that God exists and the Bible is His Word because we here at AYP are so frequently asked about that topic.

God tells us to come and “reason together with Him” (Isa 1:18).  He also says that evidence of His existence can be plainly seen in the creation that surrounds us (Rom 1:20).  There are entire scientific communities such as Answers In Genesis that are dedicated to the study of the science that proves God’s existence.  We recommend you read books like Case For A Creator by Lee Strobel and Has God Spoken? by A.O. SchnabelDarwin’s Black Box by Michael Behe delves into how the study of genetics has proven the existence of a Creator and blown gigantic holes in the arguments of evolution and atheism.  The more you can get a hold of books like these, the more grounded you will become.  Faith is built upon the evidence of an unseen God (Heb 11:1).

Not only is it possible to prove God exists, it is possible to prove that He authored the Bible.  The Bible is the most unique book in the world.  The Bible is scientifically accurate (though written long before modern science), historically accurate (down to the last archeological detail), prophetically accurate (the Bible predicts events down to the smallest detail hundreds of years in advance), and it never contradicts itself (even though the Bible was written over the course of hundreds of years by dozens of different writers).  In a world of rare writings, the Bible stands alone. For further details, read our post “Who Wrote The Bible?”.

There is no doubt that God exists – the evidence speaks for itself.   SB

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